rough furlough

What’s a Rough Furlough?
Why didn’t you know? 24,000 views in less than 24 hours, ho ho ho!
Based on the famous Gruffalo, (whom we love!) we thought we’d put together our very own version with a slight twist for this Corona Virus times. It went down really well too with 24,000 Facebook views in less than 24 hours. Thanks to my daughter for the outline drawing – well they are all off school at the moment, we may as well put them to work!

Here’s the full text, we wrote, that accompanied the image:

Where are you going to little brown Mouse?
“Nowhere, I can’t. I’m not allowed out the house.”
But that’s not a problem – all will be fine
You can order all products from us now online.
Oh Mouse, oh no – didn’t you know?
There’s no such thing as a rough furlough.

Owl is the wise one, followed the rules from the start.
Like being safe, staying alert and two metres apart.
Our doors are now open and we’ve made a few changes.
Like hand cleaning stations and marked out all our ranges.
Oh Owl – so clever, you were bound to know.
There’s no such thing as a rough furlough.

There may be a queue, you might wait ’till you enter.
Is there anything better than a well stocked garden centre?
This story you may know by Donaldson, Jue.
We hope you all like it and she will not sue.

Snake made a visit – he followed the rules.
He bought some new plants and a new range of tools.
Oh Snake clearly he did know.
There’s no such thing as a rough furlough.

There’s plants, compost, furniture, containers and pots.
In fact everything you’ve dreamed of – and we’ve got lots and lots.
Just not the Restaurant – that’s not open yet.
It’s all for your garden, for you and your pet.

Fox is so cunning – the garden is good for the mind.
So he’s planted some veggies, been on Zoom and been kind.
Oh Fox for sure he did know.
There’s no such thing as a rough furlough.

Checking your eyesight? No need for a castle.
There’s plenty to see here, without all the hassle.
We haven’t seen many of you for a good while.
But we are better than ever – service with a smile.

So if you’re like Mouse, Owl, Snake or Fox.
We are here to help – it’s us Whilton Locks.
Why didn’t you know?
There’s no such thing as rough furlough.

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