BBC The One Show

Back on the launch of Hire Steam, it was on the “wouldn’t it be great if” list – you know, those seemingly impossible challenges we are set, normally with no budget and essentially no-customer hopes of actually achieving it. Well promotion for Hire Steam, the fabulous vintage steam powered cars available for experience day hire, included national TV and Top Gear was mentioned. Wouldn’t it be great if…
Nick Price Creatives were contacted last week by the BBC ‘The One Show’ saying that the program would be joined by the stars of Top Gear and they wanted to do an item on the rarest and quirkiest vehicles in the UK. Could we bring one of the Hire Steam “incredible steam-powered cars” along to the studio?

It was going to be difficult for the Hire Steam cars to be present, but thankfully Basil Craske was on hand to take his stunning Stanley steam car to the studios at New Broadcasting House, London, W1.

The One Show regulars, Matt Baker and Alex Jones loved the car and it featured with Top Gear presenters Matt LeBlanc and Chris Harris along with Basil and Matt during the live show. The car was used to promote the launch of the new series of Top Gear on Sunday.

As for the Stig and a Stanley Steam Car driving around the Top Gear track? Watch this space…

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