leaflet design daventry

Paws at The Shires is a brand new venture due to be opened at the Heart of The Shires (hence the clever name) June 2nd. Paws at The Shires is a dog groomer.We were tasked in producing printed hand-outs for the launch. It’s always the little extras that help the corporate look and the smart roundel, for instance, “OFFICIALLY Clipped with Care” was developed to be used throughout the printed material plus we even added testimonials from Paws at the Shires customers: “Woof, woof, woof!” (Ahem)

A testimonial for us too: “Looks fantastic. We are really pleased with all your work, you’re a star – thanks you.” Paws at The Shires

With the leaflets and business cards approved and off to print, the new website for www.pawsattheshires.co.uk is to be worked on next with promotion for a great launch event to give this new company the best possible start.
Heart of the Shires

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