website design daventry

Just a step back and one final look before sending an advert off to print and a few subtle changes here and there to ensure the best possible results – it’s this attention to detail that sets Nick Price Creatives apart.This particular advert was for History Today magazine – it’s the first time the client had advertised in the publication; and it was positioned on the inside front cover – so it had to be good!

The first design was liked and approved then just tweaked here and there to improve further. The reference to the magazine History Today, in the main copy was enlarged and the strapline History in the Making, we thought was just too good to leave out, so the whole top element was lowered to fit the line in. A new magazine and a wide margin text-area constraint gave the ad a slightly enlarged top and bottom margin on the proof here – but it will work really well in the final publication, due out early next month.

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